Saturday, February 20, 2010


Posted by KKG at 8:05 PM
I've been on blogger since 2007 but  never really found time to sit down and write 
Now when I started writing again and few people said its good ..I am starting to take it serious.
But before I get really into this I wanna dedicate my blog to people who have made me capable of writing this;encouraged and helped me all the way.
First to my very reason of existence- my parents-the force and energy that keeps me going.
Secondly my brother Navaneeth-the best thing that has ever happened to me!!
Then to my friends at K.V,Pallipuram : Achu,Neeraja,Swathi,Sree,my twinny Gowri,Bhagya,Aish,Sandeep,Athulya and all my close pals there especially Vivek.(he's the one who really got me into this)
My buddy Clive.( I owe him for the blog title :-P~~not that he suggested it but because he calls me a 'non-conventional nerd' :-D)
To people I've met in college,especially the two gems~Vini,Zarin~
my bubbly friend Rinshi.
To one good friend I've never met in person-Midhu.
My lovely cousins.
To my favourite teacher from school -P.S.Vijayakumar sir!
My neighbours in Trivandrum.
To all people who've taken the pain and spend their time to read the "Freely falling thoughts of a jobless nerd"~~your comments mean a lot to me!!

Jobless Nerd :-P !!


Raju on February 23, 2010 at 9:53 PM said...

Good blog Kavitha..........

Niyas Ali .S on February 19, 2011 at 9:34 AM said...

kp it up

Vijay Bhasker on June 20, 2011 at 9:45 AM said...

You write well, so keep posting :) thanks a lot for going through my blog as well :)

KKG on June 22, 2011 at 8:37 AM said...

Thanks a lottttt!!
You know how much it means to know that people read and appreciate what u write!! I''m really glad that u liked it!


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