"...so where are you studying?"
"I'm doing my integrated MSc. in Photonics at CUSAT"
"er...uh...M.Sc.???After class 12??It must be BSc right??
(Do I look like a moron to you??Didnt you hear I said integrated MSc.~~I'd love to give that for a reply,but from the time you learn to speak you are taught or forced to control your feelings n what you speak)
"No,its a five year course straight after class 12-"INTEGRATED"!
"M.Sc. in what did you say?"
"..oh...the youth these days always want to do something thats out of the box"
(Cannot explain the feeling I had when I heard this :Dfor I always wanted to be different)
"....but Photography and such fields arent so good for girls,I wouldn't say that its a good dare"
---->>huh?? :-O he spoiled it !!
(argggg..where in the world do I get such kind of people to talk to~~the world seems to be full of them)
"Photonics isnt Photography..its scientific-we learn of lasers,optoelectronics,optical fibres and things"
"ohh..my cousins son is doing engineering at "*********** college"..you should have tried writing the entrance exams after preparing..M.Sc. will take you no where.B.tech gives you the 'professional' power in the job market"
(...hello...you are talking to someone who has been one of the toppers of all her classes okay??
Being frank-I badly wanted to brag about my grades to that moron.Again I did not!)
"Ohh..but I am not interested to join the crowd of engineers and end up in an a/c cabin of some 'posh' IT company." :) I was glad I said that.
"And I guess its time for me to get down.Nice meeting you.Bye"
I didnt mean the second sentence though I sure recognise it was my voice.
It really gets on my nerves when people underestimate my dreams and my course.
Joining for this little known course called 'Integrated M.Sc. in Photonics' at the 'Centre of Excellence in Lasers & Optoelectronic Sciences' was a dare in the eyes of almost all people I knew.
I'm a girl of many dreams,to list a few-
1)Class 3--Scientist (not because I was very interested..just because everyone said'doctor-engineer-teacher-doctor' and I wanted to be different) :P
2)Class 5-8--Space scientist(inspired by a lesson in my English reader)
3)Class 8--->Astrophysicsist (because I wanted people to 'wow' :P)
4)Till class 12 --->Astrophysicsist + clear the civil service(that started when one of my teachers said he forsees one in me ..dunno if he was kidding)
(shhhh..... its during this time tht I heard of Photonics in CUSAT and just 20 seats??-that made it look like something light years away~~that was a secret dream)
The two months after class 12-I was thinking and rethinking -'what next?'
Finally I decided on B.Sc. Physics--in between,the aieee counselling created some re-re-thinking about the decision-But,no I had decided to go for physics and meanwhile prepare for ICS.
But then fate decided I'd be one of the '20' to study 'photonics ' at CUSAT....wowiee...!
On August 4 2008- finally I covered all those light years and joined CELOS :D
At this juncture all I can say is:
Two roads diverged in a Yellow wood
Sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveller,long I stood
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference !
-(borrowed from Robert Frost :D..hope he wouldnt mind the deletions :P)
Jobless nErD !!
9 hours ago
:) sweet. a very very simple yet pretty article. hope u do write more. it wud be really great if u'd put the 'follow' button.
why do you call urself a jobless nerd though? u seem like the stereotype class topper with high ambitions. 19 years and at cusat doing photonics! do u happen to know a Thomas, who ought to be ur immediate senior?
i didn't actually go thru every article but are u still a wannabe astrophysicist? i'm pretty much an ORDINARY engineering pursuer, who loves basketball,football,good food and travel! but i do imagine a lot and sometimes i come up with these crazy ideas which are often science related!
heres one for example: i am bad with my words so i hope u make out wht my article is all about.
i was hoping a lot of friends wud come and co author in the blog but as u can see no one did!
pls chk
keep writing pal!
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