Hi bloggers..!!
I'm back!!
I badly wanted to give a new life to my poor orphaned blog...all these days.. but then, where to start..what to write..everything bothered me.
So here I am sharing some bits from my diary while writing this I had only one purpose -Kill time!!
Now I guess you got some idea about life in my college!!
Yeah my "COLLEGE" (if you can call it one)
That day when I went to class I had a purpose - 'observe everyone'-only not to fall asleep in the midst of the borrrrrrring lectures.
There was just 17 of us..(19-2=17...yeah??)..two i guess were absent or did I not count myself..Well I didnt bother myself with the statistics.
"Kavi,what's the next period?',that was Vineetha.
But...'Kavi'?? :-o that was the first time she called me that.
If that was in school I'd have responded with"Excuse me??? where's my '-tha'??
But here it was different..new place ,newfaces-I felt really like a 'fish out of pond' :(.
"..Er..Its Divya Miss-Maths".
Since those were the initial days in my strange new college-I sure had done my home work!
I bet my school friends would find it hard to believe.
To talk about my school-my 12-A class-it was a really exotic place- a place where days flew off like seconds!!
Now here I was... sitting with 17 odd people ..perhaps the oddest I've come across.
To start with there was this fair long haired girl from Kannur -'Vineetha',who'd never take her eyes off her notes..damn!
And of course there was Fathima Rinshi(~~~but seriously I dont think Fathima was the right name for a gal of her range).. so.. she was Rinshi for us.
She was 'out of the planet' .... a real 'Happy -go-lucky'.
....and there was this seemingly softspoken north Indian guy- 'Ravi Nandan'- with his very typical Hindi accent...
and Ajan the lone mallu guy in class..who always carried a 'why am i here' look on his face..(who wouldnt have those when left to sulk in a class full of Hindi speaking folks~~..ours was a mini Bihar !!!)
Then there were lads who had dropped out of IITs (lol..) like Aravind~~who by the time I copied my questions would have the whole integrations done ...!
Then there was this cute guy called Shubham who right from the day he came had never kept his mouth~~so here~~i've met someone who's more of a chatterbox than me..but alas...it had to be a boy!!This guy always stayed with Deepak Kumar(..wonder why all these people have a kumar just to let others know they are single roflol)
Well then there was Mr.complicated = Abhishek(who looked like an Afghani to me on my first day~~those days I used these nerd like specs lol~maybe something was wrong with it) who would say whole lot of complicated stuff..(...half of which I wouldnt understand..but would still nod to, just because I had no other option... roflol).
left are UpkarKumar~~nerd like with his hi-power specs
Serajuddin ~~~shy ;-)
Alok ~~~'I mind my own business'
Sunil ~~ Sorry ( i missed this one..u cannot expect a girl like me to give you the report of 14 odd guys in one day))
So thats it- a very very dry bunch of geeks~~I was no different with my nerd glasses lol!!
wait a sec....I missed one-there was this 100% veggie guy(lol) NITIN who'd never talk to anybody at will...!!
That was about the class..now..
Lectures~~I had to be an attentive front bencher because I had to put up my bright student image before the first internals ;-)..
The only one class I really waited for was English(not because I liked it..only because You could write anything without adhering to 'newton's laws and archimedes principle').
So there I was at 2:15 giving that 70mm smile to my English lecturer..of course she let me in..
I walked towards my usual place only to see a very good looking girl comfortably seated there.
So that had to be our much speculated 'new girl'.
I was sure she was the kind who would give the guys 'butterfly in stomach' feeling~~she had
a cute face and expressions to match~~and that was Zarin!!
With Zarin's arrival our desert turned to an oasis at least to some guys lol.
Nothing really changed for me~~just the count! :'(
..to make things worse we had this senior-junior thing still on...seniors wouldn't miss a chance to take us on..but I kind of enjoyed it(partly because I could show off on my language skills~~thats one skill K.V. gives you!!).
..i'm tired typing...lol
will be continued..
C ya soon.
Love Affair of Pearl Spot
1 day ago
:) .. nice one.. ;)
Thank you chetta!!
nice little piece kavitha.....
n wen people shorten ur names u cant really help alle?? god knows how i hate it wen people do that.... already have a kiddo name n as if thats not enuf they shorten it further.....
n KVs do give u a nice language.... and an awesomely large packet of confidence....
nice one.. Gud one... nice little piece kazhutha...
good da... paniyada... enikittu thane paniyu! ;)..luvss.. grt wrk da ,keep duin...
aniways,ill comment once after u re done with it! {waiting..}..keep duin chweety!nice wrk! lovs!
nice one as always.didnt expect ma name here though..ur college frnds seem gud too.elarodum anveshanam paranjeku..bt dnt 4get mastikipaathsala.blog..i would like to see it cm bk 2 life..
read ur first post.. well, a nice one to begin with.. i think i may become a regular reader.. well done.. :)
Thanks a ton Ullas chetta!! :)
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