August 21, 2011, when the clock strikes 6, I complete my 21 revolutions around the Sun.
Wooo...hoo.. twenty one years...the ride was perfect: not entirely how I wanted it to be ,yet in many ways a lot better and exciting!
In 21years the 3.2kg ,baby me has added to herself 48 more kgs and grown160 cms tall.
As a kid, I didn’t get all the toys I cried for, I didn’t go to Disneyland or any lands they have here now either, instead I played SAT and Mommy - Daughter games with the kids next-door ,broke all the bones of my left leg at 4,threw stones at my neighbour and his dog, played cricket with my bro and friends, climbed the school compound wall twice at 10, pulled a tiger’s tail at the Trivandrum zoo while they were shifting its cages, ran between the legs of an elephant at Shankhumukham beach at 8,because my crazy bro challenged me on that..*taps back*
Now, don’t you dare look at me in disbelief, I swear !!Or Ask my mom! :-/
In school I was extra confident, chatter box, bossy, tomboy, topper, proud head, anti love(Yeahhh???!!!). Speaking of that, some people in my class actually thought that I was Princy’s secret spy, telling her who’s hooking up with whom? But I swear I wasn’t that mean. Though relationships and love were words I had some strange inhibition to, back then. But, you know, people grow up, things change. :P
School, K.V., CCA, elocutions, houses are words that give me Goosebumps.
The elocutions, the speeches, the Sanskrit news, the furious debates, quizzes, lifting up the overall championship trophy for two consecutive years for my ARYABHATTA HOUSE..woooo...
No matter how many elections I’ll win in future, the one I treasure the most will be this one which got me the little badge which read *Deputy School Pupil Leader (Junior)* that I used to pin on my shirt to school in class-5. It gave me some type of superpower, at least I felt so then.
The n number of times I had compered for the various functions at school; to be finally left out on the big day : the annual day ,may be just because they thought I was not ‘presentable’*I dint have looks that could kill*. Imagine hearing stuff you wrote being used by someone else for the same function you have been left out of. Well, my pillow and my bestie had all my tears then.
Now, wait, don’t judge me. I’m not an embodiment of inferiority complex or anything.
But yes, there have been days in my life when people have made me feel low, at times may be unknowingly.
People usually fail to see this very sensitive kid inside me.
Yet again,I’m thankful to all those who have did that to me, you taught me how not to hurt people. *a big thank you*
Ask me about college and I can tell you about few awesome people I met, some filthy ones I had to (cos life’s certainly not a bed of roses),some moments when I wondered how some people can be as selfish as they are, some moments when I wished I weren’t me, some others when I was proud that I’m ME,....ummmmm...nothing much actually, it’s too boring to be called a college.
But, I’ll miss college too, not as much as I miss my school. <3
Life has given me lots of people and moments to be happy about. The happiest was seeing the pride in my dad’s eyes when I topped my school in class-10 and got my name on the board of honour of the school. ( you know why I call myself a jobless ‘nerd’. Once upon a time that was the best term that could describe me.)
Never did anything of the sort later in life. I messed up my class 12 boards and the entrance examinations. Damn!
Oh yes! I do have this journal paper in JNN(*Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology*) which mentions my name as one of its authors. *ahh,you don’t pay me for modesty *
Well, my mom’s a lot different from dad. She doesn’t get easily carried away by all this. I’m sure that even if I come home with a Nobel she’s going to say ‘ What’s the big deal in that?’ :P
But thank you Amma, you keep my pride level in check.
I know I’ll never be able to return back all the favours and sacrifices they’ve done for me. Those sleepless nights I gave them when I had my worst asthma attacks. The times they’ve walked all the way home just to save the auto charge. The times they missed being with their own siblings at family functions because we had an exam. The times they woke up at 3 or 4 to wake me up and get me to the tuitions. Those prayers and temples they’ve gone to when things went wrong with me or bro. Those dresses they denied themselves when they bought new ones for us.
I just cannot thank you enough. But I do hope that one day I’ll be able to do something big, like really big, just for you. I promise to never let you down. <3
*sigh*Did I hear someone yawning now?I’m not done yet.
To the reader 21 lines of this ugly poem will neither be impressive nor poetic. But I’ve had my fun living every one of the puzzling 21 lines. And I’m happy that with each line that didn’t rhyme, the poem got more appealing. I’ll continue living it line by line , word by word, letter by letter, till THE poet above gets exhausted and bored, come what may.
To my Achan & Amma, for being the force and energy behind every little thing I have achieved in these 21 years on planet earth. It’s your dreams about me that keep me going.
To my brother, for the innumerable times he has stood by me, without even letting me know that he did care. You are the best thing that has happened to me!
To my friends, for all the times they’ve laughed and cried with me. You rock my world!
To someone, for this smile on my face. I wish I could tell you that you make me feel at the top of the world (...the view’s a lot scary though)
To K.V. for all the good and bad times it gave me.
To Trivandrum, the city where I grew: taller,stronger and sharper.

Ohh yeah!
Happy birthday to me!! :)
Wooo...hoo.. twenty one years...the ride was perfect: not entirely how I wanted it to be ,yet in many ways a lot better and exciting!
In 21years the 3.2kg ,baby me has added to herself 48 more kgs and grown160 cms tall.
As a kid, I didn’t get all the toys I cried for, I didn’t go to Disneyland or any lands they have here now either, instead I played SAT and Mommy - Daughter games with the kids next-door ,broke all the bones of my left leg at 4,threw stones at my neighbour and his dog, played cricket with my bro and friends, climbed the school compound wall twice at 10, pulled a tiger’s tail at the Trivandrum zoo while they were shifting its cages, ran between the legs of an elephant at Shankhumukham beach at 8,because my crazy bro challenged me on that..*taps back*
Now, don’t you dare look at me in disbelief, I swear !!Or Ask my mom! :-/
In school I was extra confident, chatter box, bossy, tomboy, topper, proud head, anti love(Yeahhh???!!!). Speaking of that, some people in my class actually thought that I was Princy’s secret spy, telling her who’s hooking up with whom? But I swear I wasn’t that mean. Though relationships and love were words I had some strange inhibition to, back then. But, you know, people grow up, things change. :P
School, K.V., CCA, elocutions, houses are words that give me Goosebumps.
The elocutions, the speeches, the Sanskrit news, the furious debates, quizzes, lifting up the overall championship trophy for two consecutive years for my ARYABHATTA HOUSE..woooo...
No matter how many elections I’ll win in future, the one I treasure the most will be this one which got me the little badge which read *Deputy School Pupil Leader (Junior)* that I used to pin on my shirt to school in class-5. It gave me some type of superpower, at least I felt so then.
The n number of times I had compered for the various functions at school; to be finally left out on the big day : the annual day ,may be just because they thought I was not ‘presentable’*I dint have looks that could kill*. Imagine hearing stuff you wrote being used by someone else for the same function you have been left out of. Well, my pillow and my bestie had all my tears then.
Now, wait, don’t judge me. I’m not an embodiment of inferiority complex or anything.
But yes, there have been days in my life when people have made me feel low, at times may be unknowingly.
People usually fail to see this very sensitive kid inside me.
Yet again,I’m thankful to all those who have did that to me, you taught me how not to hurt people. *a big thank you*
Ask me about college and I can tell you about few awesome people I met, some filthy ones I had to (cos life’s certainly not a bed of roses),some moments when I wondered how some people can be as selfish as they are, some moments when I wished I weren’t me, some others when I was proud that I’m ME,....ummmmm...nothing much actually, it’s too boring to be called a college.
But, I’ll miss college too, not as much as I miss my school. <3
Life has given me lots of people and moments to be happy about. The happiest was seeing the pride in my dad’s eyes when I topped my school in class-10 and got my name on the board of honour of the school. ( you know why I call myself a jobless ‘nerd’. Once upon a time that was the best term that could describe me.)
Never did anything of the sort later in life. I messed up my class 12 boards and the entrance examinations. Damn!
Oh yes! I do have this journal paper in JNN(*Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology*) which mentions my name as one of its authors. *ahh,you don’t pay me for modesty *
Well, my mom’s a lot different from dad. She doesn’t get easily carried away by all this. I’m sure that even if I come home with a Nobel she’s going to say ‘ What’s the big deal in that?’ :P
But thank you Amma, you keep my pride level in check.
I know I’ll never be able to return back all the favours and sacrifices they’ve done for me. Those sleepless nights I gave them when I had my worst asthma attacks. The times they’ve walked all the way home just to save the auto charge. The times they missed being with their own siblings at family functions because we had an exam. The times they woke up at 3 or 4 to wake me up and get me to the tuitions. Those prayers and temples they’ve gone to when things went wrong with me or bro. Those dresses they denied themselves when they bought new ones for us.
I just cannot thank you enough. But I do hope that one day I’ll be able to do something big, like really big, just for you. I promise to never let you down. <3
*sigh*Did I hear someone yawning now?I’m not done yet.
To the reader 21 lines of this ugly poem will neither be impressive nor poetic. But I’ve had my fun living every one of the puzzling 21 lines. And I’m happy that with each line that didn’t rhyme, the poem got more appealing. I’ll continue living it line by line , word by word, letter by letter, till THE poet above gets exhausted and bored, come what may.
To my Achan & Amma, for being the force and energy behind every little thing I have achieved in these 21 years on planet earth. It’s your dreams about me that keep me going.
To my brother, for the innumerable times he has stood by me, without even letting me know that he did care. You are the best thing that has happened to me!
To my friends, for all the times they’ve laughed and cried with me. You rock my world!
To someone, for this smile on my face. I wish I could tell you that you make me feel at the top of the world (...the view’s a lot scary though)
To K.V. for all the good and bad times it gave me.
To Trivandrum, the city where I grew: taller,stronger and sharper.
Ohh yeah!
Happy birthday to me!! :)