They say Brothers are fun.
For me,you define 'Fun'.
Remember how we used to squeeze ourselves through the window bars for the afternoon cricket match,when amma left us locked in the house for the afternoon nap.
Those strolls from the bus stop to home after school,playing football with every stone in our way.
Those cycle rides to anywhere and everywhere and our crazy expeditions to find new shortcuts and streets.The infinite times you've made me bowl when you got your first MRF cricket bat. :)
The furious fights over the T.V. remote and computer games.
As we grew older their have been times when you pretended that you don't care,but I always knew I had a friend to count on in you.May be you don't know that my very first prize in elocution,in Class -5 came for the small note on 'Good health'by you.
May be you don't know or you pretend not to know how proud I am of you!
I've never let you know that there have been times I adored your simplicity,your ways of being truly 'you'.Never did I thank you for the countless times you've made me feel special.
I love the way you trust me with anything and everything.
I loved the way you reacted when I told you my big secret. :)
I love the way you run to me for Solutions. :P
Yeah,but I do know that even when I wake up till midnight just to wish you and get this posted,you wouldn't even remember which month I were born.And thats you :the'BEST' thing that has happened to me,EVER!
Daz my fav. pic of you!
God Bless!
And..this is the real reason why I wrote this.:P
Thanks! I expect more such good deeds from you. ;)
Love Affair of Pearl Spot
1 day ago